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Ministries at First Rockmart


Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., we have classes for all age groups from nursery to the oldest adult. There are many benefits and blessings to our Sunday School such as Bible Study, friendships, care network, fun, accountability, and involvement in Rockmart life.



The First Baptist nursery is a safe and loving environment for your child, ages birth through four years. Our nursery staff and volunteers provide special care while sharing the love of Christ during Sunday School, worship services and evening activities such as music and Mission Friends.



Our worship is an inspiring blend of traditional and contemporary music. We are blessed with very talented musicians who work hard at their talent to lead us each Sunday in praise and worship. Our music program offers opportunities in adult sanctuary choir and youth and children’s programs.



Golden Age is an outreach for senior adults. It is a place of welcome and a love for Christ. Our purpose is Christian fellowship within our church and other churches in our community. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the Great Room of FBC. Handicap parking is available.



The Brotherhood is a men’s mission that exists to serve God, our church and community. Come join men of all ages, as we gather on the fourth Sunday of each month at 8 a.m. You will enjoy a great breakfast while experiencing a wonderful time of fellowship and an inspirational message.


Every Sunday in our children’s Sunday School Classes, during children’s worship, and during evening activities, our children experience the life-changing power of the Gospel by connecting with caring leaders who love teaching them. On Sunday mornings we use the Gospel Project, which takes children through all major themes, stories, characters of the Bible, always showing connections to Jesus and to their lives. Children also participate in music, service, missions and worship leadership. We adhere to safety standards which include current background checks for everyone who works with our children and youth.



The purpose of the student ministry at FBC Rockmart is to introduce, build up, and send out. We want to introduce everyone to Jesus. We want to build them up by connecting our students with loving, encouraging, godly adults that will lead them in Sunday School, Wednesday night meetings and special events. We then encourage them to go to their schools and community and share the gospel of Christ.



The women’s ministry welcomes all women to be involved in this ministry. Events are planned throughout the year that will help women grow in Christ. We sponsor a lady’s tea, Bible study and book reviews and of course, game nights and movie nights.



This is a Christ-centered, 12-step program that helps people gain freedom, acceptance, and accountability for life’s “hurts, habits, and hang-ups.” We open the door to recovery by sharing our experiences and hopes. We meet EVERY Monday evening starting with dinner at 6:00 - 6:45 p.m., large group at 7:00-8:00 p.m. and small share group 8:00-9:00 p.m. Child care is provided.

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